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Violence Against Women: A Citizen Security Problem


Although El Salvador has made progress in passing legislation that protects women's rights and seeks to prevent violence against women, these advances have not permeated several sectors of the population due to low levels of education, the persistence of a patriarchal culture, as well as lack of knowledge among women about their rights and how to access justice. To address this problem, Fundación de Estudios para la Aplicación del Derecho (FESPAD) [Foundation for Studies on the Application of Law] proposes to carry out a training program for women in the community of Mejicanos that will empower them with knowledge and information to assert their rights. In addition to the training, FESPAD proposes to create links between women and state institutions, with the purpose of facilitating their access to the Salvadoran state’s integral protection system. In addition, the intervention will have an economic empowerment component to reduce the dependence of women on their partners. The project will be evaluated using a randomized controlled trial (RCT).

To find out more about this project, click here


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