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Primary Prevention: School Interventions in Comayagua, Honduras


This project seeks to increase knowledge and skills related to violence prevention among youth ages 13-18 in the municipality of Comayagua. According to official data from the Policía Nacional [National Police], Comayagua increasingly faces problems of insecurity and violence. For that reason, primary prevention programs are essential for changing young people’s attitudes, helping them to identify and avoid high risk behaviors, and reporting delinquent acts in their homes and communities. The violence committed by adolescents is a central concern for Hondurans, as is the young people are exposed to violent situations. Inspired by other programs that have demonstrated results in other regions of the world yet have not been evaluated in Central America, the Secretaría de Seguridad/Policía Nacional de Honduras will work with approximately 1,500 students in Comayagua to increase knowledge of good decision-making under risky situations. The project, which will rely on more than 20 community police agents, as well as officers in training at the Police Technological Institute (known in Spanish as Instituto Tecnológico Policial, ITP) in Comayagua, will consist of seven training modules. The impact will be measured through a randomized controlled trial (RCT), with the goal of building best practices regarding interventions that prevent infractions and crimes.

To find out more about this project, click here


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