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Increasing Access to Justice for Vulnerable Groups: an Intervention with Judicial Facilitators in Ho


Vulnerable groups usually lack information and knowledge of laws and fundamental rights, which creates barriers to access justice. In Honduras, many women and children are victims of domestic and family violence, but lacking access to justice, these events go unpunished, considering that nationally approximately 42% of such cases exceed the statute of limitations. Honduras relies on a National Service of Judicial Facilitators, made up of a community leaders network that assists on legal issues and delivers presentations on rights and local community issues. This network of volunteers has the potential to provide knowledge for legal empowerment among citizens. However, it is necessary to train these facilitators in relevant issues, such as domestic violence and local conflict resolution. This pilot project proposes a training program in the Comayagua and Francisco Morazán departments (where the percentage of cases exceeding the statute of limitations ascends to 73%), with the objective of improving judicial facilitators’ knowledge, standardize their work and empower vulnerable communities on issues of access to justice.

To find out more about this project, click here


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