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Can Arts-Based Interventions Enhance Labor Market Outcomes Among Youth? Evidence From A Randomized T


Calero et al. (2016)


This study tested whether an arts-based training program could improve soft-skills among youth in favelas in Brazil and thus improve their labor market outcomes. The main objective is to see whether labor market outcomes are affected by soft-skills or through other channels.


A teaching program that uses art and theater as a pedagogical tool to teach students about a variety of subjects including vocational and academic training. Note that there was a prior selection of students who passed certain tests, so the randomization is out of the universe of these pre-selected individuals.


The control group was formed with the pre-selected students who were not selected for the program.


1) The students who participated in the program have better employment outcomes and higher earnings than those who did not participate. 2) These results are probably because of the vocational and academic aspect of the training, as there were negligible effects on indicators of soft-skills, except for some on self-control.


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