Train, Implement
and Evaluate
Supervised by experts from the consortium, the Academy students learned to collect and analyze a wide variety of data ranging from administrative records, focus group interviews to textual transcripts captured online and community surveys, and measure the effects of policies in individuals, institutions and communities.
The Academy for Security Analysis, with support from USAID, began in 2016 with the purpose of helping Northern Triangle countries improve their institutional practices. This project was under the supervision of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and also had the collaboration of two partners, which were the Rowan University in the United States, and the José Simeón Cañas Central American University (UCA) as a local partner from El Salvador.
The Academy for Security Analysis seeks to build institutional capacity to analyze the impact of security and justice policies in a methodologically rigorous manner in the Northern Triangle region of Central America.
Graduated 142 students from the Academy for Security Analysis.
Built connections in the justice sector of three different countries, engaging with over 30 public institutions.
Built the curriculum for a master's in criminology that will be taught by UCA.
Implemented over 30 pilot policy and research projects using the most rigorous evaluation methodology.
Adapted to online education to continue teaching courses on violence prevention and crisis management during the pandemic.
Our Knowledge Bank provides regular updates of results and best practices from academic research.
Learn more about the articles our experts have published about this project in leading criminology magazines.
By: Joel Capellan, Chunrye Kim, Jeremy Porter & Hung-En Sung
By: Chunrye Kim, Joel A. Capellan, Hung-En Sung, and Eduardo Rafael Orellana
By: Joel A. Capellan, Stephen Koppel & Hung-En Sung

© 2018 Academia para el Análisis de Seguridad
Este sitio web es posible gracias al auspicio del Pueblo de Estados Unidos por medio de la Agencia de Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID). El contenido de este sitio web es responsabilidad primaria del Colegio John Jay de Justicia Criminal y no necesariamente refleja el punto de vista de USAID o del Gobierno de Estados Unidos
© 2018 / Academy for Security Analysis
This website is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID.) The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of John Jay College of Criminal Justice and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government